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Markets react positively to election news

Posted on Thursday 12th of November 2020

After days of tension, news came in over the weekend that Joe Biden won the key battleground of Pennsylvania, 20 electoral votes was enough to push him over the magical 270 threshold, securing his bid to become the next US President and take up residency in the White House. However, things aren’t clear cut, as the Trump campaign has indicated the incumbent President does not plan to concede, amid claims of voter fraud.

Global stocks responded positively to the prospect of a Biden presidency, after days of uncertainty. On Monday, the FTSE 10...

US Election 2020

Posted on Monday 2nd of November 2020

The office of US President carries huge influence all over the world and, as a result, the way the American electorate votes on 3 November will undoubtedly impact financial markets across the globe. US elections are always occasions of great political theatre but the 2020 campaign, played out with the backdrop of a global pandemic, has very much raised the bar. However, the outcome will determine the future path of the world’s largest economy for the next four years and that prospect inevitably leads to considerable speculation about what ...

It’s time to think about life insurance

Posted on Monday 2nd of November 2020

If you have dependents – people who rely on you financially – then you should have life insurance. In fact, if you have dependents and don’t have life insurance, you are exposing them to grave financial risk. And who would want to do that?

Life insurance tends not to feature on ‘to do’ lists because it makes us confront uncomfortable questions, such as what would happen to our loved ones if we were to die unexpectedly in the next few years.

However, we all carry a deep responsibility to ensure those we leave behind at least have sufficie...

The importance of life cover for carers

Posted on Monday 12th of October 2020

The importance of life cover for carers

One in five people in the UK act as a carer. Figures show more than seven out of ten of those who look after family, friends or other members of the community do not have any protection policies in place. Furthermore, a fifth do not know who would take over their caring duties if they fell ill themselves and 20% do not know who would provide them with the care they might need.

Whichever type of care you provide, whether that’s personal care, helping with shopping or taking someone to appointmen...

The world is changing - so should your insurance

Posted on Monday 14th of September 2020

The world is changing rapidly in a way that nobody could ever have expected, meaning your personal and financial circumstances are likely to have changed. It is important to regularly review all aspects of your finances and that includes reviewing your protection insurance, to make sure your policy provides adequate cover for your changing needs.

If you don’t regularly review and update your policy, any pay-out you do receive from your claim may not be enough to cover you and your family’s needs if you were to die or if you ar...

What is Cashflow modelling

Posted on Thursday 28th of May 2020


What is cashflow modelling?

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

Financial planning is all about preparing for those things that may not be so certain (and taxes). Plans should be reviewed regularly so they adapt to changes in your circumstances and reflect developments in the wider economy and financial markets.

Cashflow modelling, sometimes known as cashflow forecasting takes a view of investments, debts, income and expenditure. It takes in to...

Think twice before cancelling your protection policies

Posted on Thursday 9th of April 2020

Life Insurance: It’s not for you, it’s for them! Life insurance is for your loved ones to make sure there is a roof over their heads and food on their table. It’s to ensure that they can continue to do the things in life you’d want them to, if the worst happened and you weren’t around.

You would want to be covered in the unlikely event that you were to die from COVID-19.

The cost of life insurance rises as you get older, so retaining your existing policy will help ensure you benefit from, in most cases, a lower monthly premium than you wou...

Use your ISA allowance

Posted on Thursday 12th of March 2020

Use your ISA Allowance

Statistics show many young people are not using their ISA allowance only 17% of ISA savers are under the age of 35, but half of ISA savers are aged 55. So, what are the options for ISA savers?

An ISA is an Individual savings account. It allows you to save tax-free in a cash or investment account.

Cash ISA
A Cash ISA is a savings account where you can deposit up to a yearly limit to save tax-free. There are three principle types, Instant Access, Regular Savings and Fixed rate. Anyone over the age of 18 can op...